Essential Services/COVID-19

| 25th March 2020

Dear Valued Customer,

We acknowledge and respect the national lockdown as announced by The President

commencing at midnight on Thursday 26 March 2020, for 21 days.

Transmart, form part of the essential services and play a pivotal role in primary and secondary  transport of food and products associated with food production, Power and Energy Generation

Industry, Pharmaceutical , Medical Equipment and related consumables, and Water and Sanitation industry.

We will therefore be exempt from lockdown to remain open and are duty bound to continue to supply these critical industries. Furthermore,  it is our responsibility as citizens and beneficiaries of

this Country to make sure we do our bit. Transmart will be open and ready to provide the essential service.

Herewith, we would also like to assure you that all our drivers have been well informed regarding the Covid-19 Pandemic and have been given the necessary hygiene & safety equipment required

such as gloves, masks, etc and will also comply to customers safety protocols on site.  Precautionary procedures have been implemented and in practice for 3 weeks.

Our vehicles will only operate between Cape Town and Boksburg. No stop in Bloemfontein.

We will not do local collections or deliveries, all freight handled will be on a depot/depot basis.

The only service offered will be the Overnight Road Express option.

The only freight that will be accepted will be as specified in the Government Gazette.

Where there are declarations applicable or available regarding the specific exempted freight type, these must be supplied to us.

The fight against Covid-19 remains a collective responsibility and we wish the best to all our customers, staff and families during this challenging time and trust all will revert to normal after the lock down.

Key Staff contact details:

Leonie De Villiers      National Ops Manager               0734449834

Claude Calisse          Branch Manager                       0845472800

Erika Engelbrecht      Client Relation Manager           0648009961

Ashley Theron           Client Services Supervisor        0742207869

Category: News

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